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Be Part of this Family!


Valeriani family crest.Would you like to be part of this family? You can! The only obvious requirement is that your surname is Valeriani, either by birth or by matrimony. 

Just send us a clear photograph of yourself and your full date of birth, place of birth and occupation and we'll put it all up asap.

The reason why we want to display the full date of birth (yes, including the year of birth), is that there are and have been many of us in the past 2000 years and we want to provide clarity to our visitors.

Let people find you! The web site ranks number 1 on Google, Yahoo! and all the world's most popular search engines. This means that anyone that will digit the keyword "Valeriani" will find you right away, eliminating the great costs and difficulties for you to rank high on search engines. Due to high demand, there is a service charge of 1 GBP per month payable yearly through PayPal. This will give you:


- Your own email address

- Your own web page with your personalized address

- Photo of yourself on the main page of the website


All you have to do is pay by clicking on the button below and send us a photograph of yourself and a page of text and we'll do the rest for you.



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